Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I have decided I am not going to count calories or even think about them much at all.

The truth is that while they are useful for people who need to loose weight, I do not fit in that category and loosing weight is not my main aim.

Also, I have not put on weight all year, but have actually gone down a couple of kilograms just by being a little more careful and starting to exercise a little more. I don't eat too much. Maybe I don't eat enough of the "right" foods, but I'm not eating junk... I can't even remember the last time I had McDonald's and the thought of KFC makes me feel sick.

I desire to get fit. I actually wouldn't be surprised if I start eating more, like I used to when I was bushwalking every weekend back in January. Seriously, I was eating 2-3 times as much and still loosing weight (which indicates that I was eating way below what I needed to).

Most of all, I dislike how thinking of calories steals my joy and makes me feel confined. I'm doing this to improve my life not make it harder.

As an aside, I realise that calorie counting is useful for some people, and suits them, or that it may simply be necessary. For me, however, it doesn't sit right. 

So yes, my decision: eat well and don't worry.

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